The Photo Game: Living In a Material World
This week's prompt is "Living in a Material World." So without much thought, my family and I headed to the nearest shopping mall in search of the "material world."

I've joined Kenneth Wajda and a small group of photographers in a weekly photo game. Each week Kenneth writes a prompt, and we're each tasked with creating a photograph that meets the prompt.
There are a few rules:
- All submissions must be scans of film, no photos from digital cameras
- Images must be taken, processed, and submitted by 8AM each Saturday
- Miss a week, and you're out
My goal in playing is simple. Get out and shoot film.
This Week
This week's prompt is "Living in a Material World." So without much thought, my family and I headed to the nearest shopping mall in search of the "material world."

This photo was captured on Ilford HP5+ with my grandfather's Rolleiflex 2.8E. I stopped to take the picture because I liked the strong lines in the escalator, the railing above, and the windows below. I framed the photo in the focus screen and waited for someone to come down the escalator before taking this picture. I didn't intend to include the woman walking through the foreground. That was a "happy accident."
Both people in this photo appear to be by themselves, which gives the image a sense of loneliness. The loneliness seems appropriate given that they're living in a material world.
Other Photos from the Roll