The Photo Game: Stairs
We ventured over to the Rueter-Hess Incline to make some photos and get some exercise.

I joined Kenneth Wajda and a small group of photographers in a weekly photo game a while ago. Kenneth wrote a prompt each week and tasked us with creating a photograph that met the prompt. Unfortunately, Kenneth's photo game is taking a break.
Since I'm not prepared to give up the game, my wife graciously agreed to provide me with a surprise prompt each week so that I can continue.
The rules are still the same:
- All submissions must be scans of film, no photos from digital cameras
- Images must be captured, processed, and submitted by 8 AM each Saturday
- Miss a week, and you're out
My goal in playing is simple. Get out and shoot film.
This Week
This week's photo game took the family to the Colorado Scottish Festival at the Denver Polo Club. We loved watching the bagpipers, the traditional Scottish games (I.e., throw this big, heavy thing as far/high as you can), and the polo match taking place on the next field.
Although the festival was fun, there was a noticeable lack of stairs. So, we ventured over to the Rueter-Hess Incline to make some photos and get some exercise.
I made this photo using a Rolleiflex 2.8E and Ilford HP5+.