The Photo Game: Old
This week, I'm submitting a photograph of my first digital camera, an old, inexpensive DSLR. It's a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm kit lens.

I joined Kenneth Wajda and a small group of photographers in a weekly photo game a while ago. Kenneth wrote a prompt each week and tasked us with creating a photograph that met the prompt. Unfortunately, Kenneth's photo game is taking a break.
Since I'm not prepared to give up the game, my wife graciously agreed to provide me with a surprise prompt each week so that I can continue.
The rules are still the same:
- All submissions must be scans of film; no photos from digital cameras
- Images must be captured, processed, and submitted by 8 AM each Saturday
- Miss a week, and you're out
My goal in playing is simple. Get out and shoot film.
This Week
This week, I'm submitting a photograph of my first digital camera, an old, inexpensive DSLR. It's a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm kit lens. It's special to me because my parents bought it for me in preparation for my study abroad program in the Czech Republic. I carried this camera across several countries, making photographs and recording memories as I went.
I've bought newer, fancier, more capable cameras since this one, but I like to keep it close because it takes me back to that exciting time whenever I see it. I've got a lot of shared history with this old camera, and I'm unwilling to let it go.