The Photo Game: Water


I joined Kenneth Wajda and a small group of photographers in a weekly photo game a while ago. Kenneth wrote a prompt each week and tasked us with creating a photograph that met the prompt. Unfortunately, Kenneth's photo game is taking a break.

Since I'm not prepared to give up the game, my wife graciously agreed to provide me with a surprise prompt each week so that I can continue.

The rules are still the same:

  • All submissions must be scans of film, no photos from digital cameras
  • Images must be captured, processed, and submitted by 8 AM each Saturday
  • Miss a week, and you're out

My goal in playing is simple. Get out and shoot film.

This Week

This week I finally got the roll of Ektachrome slide film back from the photo lab. It took slightly less than a month to process, but I'm pleased with the results.

I've never used slide film before, so seeing my positive images when I hold the developed film to the light is fantastic! It gives me the same feeling I had when I developed my first roll of film at home. Pure F***ing Magic!

Note: Pure F***ing Magic is a term I borrowed from a pilot describing how airplanes work. It's the only phrase I've heard that captures how analog photography feels. Freezing an image of a moment in time using chemistry sounds like a potion lesson in Harry Potter.

Anyway, this week's submission show's the local Rotary Club's Ducky Derby, a fundraiser where rubber ducks float down a river in a race for cash prizes. With all of the green foliage, it's hard to tell that this scene is in Colorado, not a tropical rainforest.

Other Photos from the Roll